
Beware of the Naysayer

Ever bumped into someone who just can't seem to agree with anything you say or do? Yep, those are the naysayers. They're pretty much everywhere, especially around folks who might not get the whole God, His Word, and His ways vibe.

And guess what?

Even Jesus had to deal with his fair share of them. The religious leaders of His day were always on His case. So, if Jesus had to face it, it's a given we will too. It seemed like at every turn, someone was ready to throw in a bit of criticism. 


You've probably heard some folks suggest just moving in silence. But Jesus? He wasn't about staying under the radar. He picked the perfect moments to show off the Kingdom's power with miracles, signs, and wonders. Because, really, what's the point of a message if there's nothing to back it up?

Just talking the talk doesn't cut it. A true message from God is always paired with some kind of proof—be it a miracle, a sign, or a wonder. Otherwise, it's just gossip, not gospel. 

The Bible gets straight to the point. James 2:14 (AMP) questions, "What is the benefit, my fellow believers, if someone claims to have faith but has no [good] works [as evidence]?"


It's kind of funny (or maybe not) how the biggest critics often have the least to show for all their "knowledge."

Makes you think, right? If they're so clued in, why aren't they doing more?

There's got to be something tangible to show for what you know.

And it looks like God's on the same page.

Daniel 11:32 tells us, "...but the people who know their God shall prove themselves strong and shall stand firm and do exploits"

True knowledge of God isn't just about talking a big game. It's about showing up and showing out. Mark 16:20 (AMP) backs this up, saying, "And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord was working with them and confirming the word by the signs that followed."

Following Jesus means doing what He did. It's as simple as that.

Don't let the naysayers keep you from putting God on display. He wants to be seen, and we're His showcase. The Kingdom of God is all about the show-and-tell. It's about demonstration and proclamation!

Jesus knew what was up. He made sure to warn people and His disciples about the naysayers.

Beware, they're out there! If you're looking to dodge the negativity from naysayers and build a bulletproof future, let's connect.

Dive into what we've got lined up for you:

- A weekly dose of inspiration? Our Monday Memo 'Ignite Your Impact' is just what you need to kick-start your week on a high note.

- Ready to level up? Our Coaching Suite  is here to turbocharge your journey.

Together, let's show those naysayers what's what by living out loud the evidence of God's power in our lives.

Dr. Gwendolyn