Kill The Will Part 1
Hey there, Friend!
Let's chat about something super important: the power of your will. It's like the engine behind all your decisions, shaping your life in ways you might not even realize. Don't ever underestimate it.
Living the CHRISTian life? It's not about the feels; it's about the wills.
God's throwing out an open invite with a big "whosoever will!" But will to do what, you ask?
It's about the will to make some real changes – to repent, to change, to obey, to commit, to listen, to pray, to study, and to follow and be like Him. Yep, it all comes down to what you're willing to do.
Nowadays, it feels like the motto is "I'll do me." But here's the catch: chasing after your own desires and following God's path? They don't exactly mix. At some point, something's gotta give.
God's not into playing tug-of-war with our human nature for our attention. He's all about giving us the choice.
And that's where "whosoever wills" comes into play.
It's all on you. Sure, God chose you first, but now it's your turn to choose Him back, willingly. And guess what? Those who are willing and obedient, they're the ones who get to enjoy the best of the best (Isaiah 1:19).
And who wouldn't want the best? The best jobs, relationships, businesses, prosperity, health, properties – it's all up for grabs.
But here's a heads-up: your will is exactly what Satan's after.
Remember Satan? His whole "I will" rebellion in Isaiah 14:12-14 got him the boot. Now, he's out to mess with your will, tricking you into stepping away from God's plan.
This whole self-will thing is like a rebellion against God's will.
Our human nature? It loves a bit of independence. Our bodies, our emotions – they've all got their own wishlist. And it's not just about snapping selfies; it's about living a life centered around "me, myself, and I."
But here's the thing: self-will is a one-way ticket to trouble. Just take a look at Adam and Eve. Their switch from God's will to self-will? Not their best move.
If you're keen to dive deeper into this tug-of-war between wills, stick around for part 2.
And don't forget to sign up for our 'Ignite Your Impact' Marketplace Memo. It's packed with insights and encouragement to keep you moving forward.
Stay blessed,
Dr. Gwendolyn