Pivot Your Perspective

Hey there,
You know how they say, "There's a time for everything"? Well, it's not just a catchy phrase; it's straight-up wisdom from Ecclesiastes 3:1. Life's really like a big, beautiful cycle of seasons. And guess what? Through every high and low, every summer and winter, God's right there with us, never changing.
When summer rolls around, we don’t just throw away our winter gear, right? Nope, we adapt. We swap out those cozy sweaters for some cool shorts. It's all about pivoting. And just like the seasons, tough times don't last forever. Sometimes, it feels like God’s clearing out the old to make room for something new and exciting.
He’s all about fresh starts—think of it like needing new wineskins for new wine, just like in Matthew 9:17.
Holding on too tight to what's behind us—old habits, ways of thinking, or even certain relationships—can really hold us back from the blessings waiting for us. I
t's like trying to mix old with the new; they just don't mesh well.
Take the Israelites, for example. They got their freedom from Egypt but were still trapped by their old mindset. They couldn't see God as the loving Father He is because they were too caught up in their past. Their inability to adapt, to pivot, ended up costing them big time. But here's the thing—the Bible's also packed with stories of those who thrived through tough times by shifting their perspective.
We might not have control over every crisis that comes our way, but we sure can control how we see them. Flipping our perspective can turn even the biggest problems into opportunities for growth.
Feeling ready to look at things a little differently?
Let's pivot together.
Check out our Coaching Suite for some personalized guidance to help you turn challenges into stepping stones for success. Whether it's personal or professional growth you're after, we've got your back.
Stay blessed,
Dr. Gwendolyn