Pivot Your Pursuit

Hey there,
Ever noticed how our world is pretty much obsessed with having more?
It's like we're on this never-ending treadmill of wanting, getting, and then wanting again. It's exhausting, isn't it? Leaves us feeling kind of empty and always chasing the next thing.
But here's a thought: what if we flipped the script? Jesus had this radical idea that instead of stressing over our next Amazon purchase, we should focus on something way more fulfilling - seeking God's kingdom and living right by Him. It's like He's saying in Matthew 6:33, "Hey, focus on the big stuff - living a life that's in tune with God, and all these other things? They'll sort themselves out."
Pretty cool, right?
Getting into the Kingdom vibe isn't about sitting back and waiting for blessings to rain down. Nope, it's about actively seeking out God, diving into what He says, and living it out. It's like God's got this open invitation to us, saying, "Come and find me. I'm here for those who really want to know me" (Jeremiah 29:13).
This journey isn't about what we can get out of it. But, funny enough, when we start aligning our lives with God's, blessings seem to come as part of the package.
Remember the Israelites? Their big oops was wanting the goodies more than they wanted God Himself.
Why run after just the goodies when you can have a direct line to the Giver?
If you're keen on diving deeper into living a Kingdom-focused life and getting your priorities in check:
Check out our Marketplace Memo 'Ignite Your Impact' It's your weekly dose of inspiration to help you stay focused on what truly matters.
Stay blessed,
Dr. Gwendolyn